

游戏专区 0位玩家参与点评
  • 游戏类型:游戏升级补丁
  • 游戏语言:英文
  • 游戏大小:610MB
  • 发布时间:2019-08-23









Updated some Japanese localizations.

The arrow keys were added to the controls customization.

Fixed the issue that the quest item 'Ball' is missing sometimes in level 7.

Fixed the issue that the interface of the game is missing after skipping a certain cutscene in the America Station of Level 2.

Fixed the issue that the pop-up of action “Agent” unlocked appears three times when player completes the game in normal mode.

Fixed the issue that the arrow doesn’t point at the direction of the item that the mouse selects in the INVENTORY of the GAME MENU.

Fixed the issue that the conversation popup displayed early with a black box after pressing “Q” in map “NEW WASHINGTON”.

Fixed the issue that the game crashes when moving the mouse wildly during game boot-up.
Fixed the issue that multiple tabs can be highlighted at the same time in the game menu.

Fixed the issue that you cannot return to main menu after doing some changes in options and then clicking "Back" button.

Fixed the issue that the game UI disappears automatically randomly.

Fixed the issue that the countdown paused at 10s when changing the resolution in GRAPHICS of HELP&OPTIONS.

Fixed the issue that the text is out of the frame in Dutch when changing the resolution.

Fixed the issue that the Achievement cursors are in the middle of the frames.

Fixed the issue that the game cannot be continued under some circumstances.

Fixed the issue that the flicker appeared in the settings menu after disappearing in the main menu.

Fixed the issue that a room shows on the map does not exist in Level 2.

Fixed the issue that the game freezes on map “Earth – Prison” in mission “Find the exit” under certain conditions.

Fixed the issue that one achievement is still locked if player tries to unlock two achievements at the same time.

Fixed the issue that the game control instruction of "Run/Walk" in Manual isn't up-to-date.

Fixed the issue that the ‘Shift’ button is still used to Run/Walk even after changing the buttons in HELP&OPTIONS.

Fixed the issue that the game crashes in Level 6 under certain circumstances.

Fixed the issue that the game crashes when changing the Graphics Setting or switching to desktop.

Fixed the issue that debug codes showed in Resolution 1600*900 when changing Graphics Quality.




迅雷提示“任务出错”,请查看解决方案,下载前查看游戏说明和网友评论,游戏问题可以参考游戏帮助在线学习。 游戏可能被某些杀毒软件提示,部分报毒与破解汉化有关,请谨慎下载。如下载失效,请至yxdowncom@yeah.net举报。

