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lol2017年LCS新赛制简介 lols7LCS新赛制详解

2016-12-16 14:52:43来源:游戏下载编辑:萌新评论()






   In early January, we’ll run the EULCSgroup draft, which will determine the teams for each group. Since G2 Esports and H2K gained the highest amount of championship points in the 2016 EU LCS season, they will take seeds 1 and 2 respectively, and be at the head of each group. Groups will be drafted via snake draft, similar to Nemesis draft. There will be a pick order per turn, but the team picking will select a team to go into the opposing group rather than their own. The pick order is explained in the graphic below with A1 selecting B2, B1 selecting A2, B2 selecting A3 and so on until all 10 teams are split between groups.












   两场BO5的负者进行一场BO5,败者进入CS; 胜者与↑进行一场BO5,胜者进入LCS

