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2014-05-16 14:24:33来源:游戏下载编辑:评论(0)


    Mathildis 森林:(70个宝箱)


    1.First chest just right of the starting point


    2.Hidden path in the cliff you climb right of #1

    3.Little bit left of #2 above a tree

    4.Left of #3 above the next tree

    5.Hidden path on the left below the first gap you jump across

    6.On top of the tree on the right side of the gap

    7.On the cliff right of the lit tree

    8.Just right of the place where Aurora gets her sword

    9.On top of the tree directly right of #8

    10.At the source of the waterfall

    11.Far right of the first dark passage you go through

    12.Top left of the dark passage

    13.Up above the exit of the dark passage; above #12 right of #10

    14.Up top the platforms next to the fountain

    15.In the dark passage after the fountain, bottom path, far right

    16.Inside the distillery near the exit

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  • 游戏类别:角色扮演
  • 游戏平台:PC/PS3/Xbox360PS4/XboxOne/PSV/
  • 开发商:Ubisoft
  • 发行商:Ubisoft
  • 发行时间:2014年4月30日

《光之子》和《雷曼:传奇》都是由Ubiart Framework游戏引擎打造,因此我们可以期待在打败“黑暗皇后”(Black Queen)的路上看到许多漂亮的背景和世界。


