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2017-01-21 18:12:30来源:全境封锁贴吧编辑:评论(0)



  1.The northern front 

  Summary of the new Dark Zone areas

  The Dark Zone has been expanded with three new areas, Dark Zone 7-9, north of Dark Zone 6 and Midtown East.(暗区7-9)

  New Landmarks feature waves of enemies.(新地标)

  Landmarks award you with additional loot placed directly into your inventory.(地标奖励直接进装备栏)

  Fast travel between Dark Zone checkpoints has become available.(暗区检查点可以快速传送)

  2.Contamination events

  - New Contamination Events have been added to the Dark Zone.(暗区加入污染区任务)

  - Roughly every hour, elite Cleaners will spawn in the Dark Zone underground. Contamination in those areas will reach lethal levels, so your virus filter will not be able to resist it.(每小时精英清洁者在暗区地下重生,面罩不再有效【之前泄露中提到的氯气】)

  3.Summary of Dark Zone leaderboards

  Leaderboards have been added to the Dark Zone, tracking a wide range of different activities both in PvP and PvE. All tracked activities will be turned into a total score.(暗区排行榜,根据PVP/PVE表现得分)

  Leaderboard rankings are pided into three tiers and will give out rewards when they reset on a weekly and a monthly basis.(排行榜分三个阶级,每周每月都会结算奖励)

  4.Summary of Legendary difficulty

  Legendary difficulty mode has been added to Times Square, WarrenGate Power Plant and Napalm Production Site and features new, powerful and smart enemies.(时代广场、电厂、汽油弹场,增加传奇难度,敌人是LMB+猎人)

  Legendary difficulty is the most challenging content in the game and is intended for organized groups.(最难的难度,比突袭的英雄难度还要难)

  Legendary difficulty rewards you with unique vanity items not available elsewhere in the game, on top of the regular rewards.(奖励独特外观)

  5.Summary of Exotic weapons and new Gear Set

  Named gear pieces and weapons are now called Exotics and have been given their own color in your inventory.(带名字装备/武器有新颜色了,不是传统的金色【暂时称呼为暗金】)

  Exotic weapons all have their own unique talent. This change is retroactive.(暗金武器有1个独特天赋。改动对现有的暗金装备一样有效)

  Exotic weapon sets have been introduced.(暗金武器套!装备两样特定的暗金武器组成一套来获取独特天赋)

  Exotic Caches are available as a weekly reward from Legendary difficulty missions.(暗金装备保证从每周史诗难度奖励箱掉落)

  6.Summary of Gear Set Changes

  Alphabridge 4-piece bonus now shares the free talent from your weapons instead of all three.(Alpha套只能共享第三天赋了!!!意味着只有4天赋而不是6天赋)

  Frontline’s 4-piece no longer removes the critical hit chance, instead it removes the effect of any mods you have applied to the shield.(D3套不移除暴击率,但只能用基础盾牌,无法改造)

  The Reclaimer set focuses on the Support Station. Its 4-piece bonus activates all Support Station mods simultaneously. It no longer has an effect on consumables.(开拓套重点修改为对平台作用,现在不对消耗品起作用,改为四件套放一个平台激活所有改造功能,2/3件增加范围、持续时间)

  Tactician’s Authority’s buff only disappears after you use a skill.(谋略套buff只在使用技能后消失【之前随着时间消减】)

  A new Gear Set, SEEKR, has been added to the game.(新套装,seeker【暂时翻译为追踪者】,四件套效果:两把武器打中敌人身体部分讲给你一个固定的爆率增加)

  7.Summary of Armor and Resistances

  Armor has been removed as a major bonus and replaced with Health. Gear still comes with base armor and some talents will still give bonus armor.(护甲从主属性移除,替换为生命值。保留天赋给的额外护甲)

  Health and stamina are your primary means of toughness.(生命值、体力是现在增加韧性的主要手段)

  Current Health rolls have been turned into the new stat Resist All.(现有的生命值属性改为“全效果减免”)

  Resistances have become analogue instead of binary.(效果减免现在不是简单的减少效果持续时间,同时减少效果伤害。【堆到100%火烧减免即可免疫火烧】)

  Diminishing returns have been added to status effects.(效果影响现在有衰减【例如中一次燃烧弹就累计一点抵抗效果,多次燃烧弹后效果大大减弱】)

  Other parts of the game have been rebalanced as a result, to make sure Time to Kill and Time to be Killed stay balanced.(平衡了很多其他东西,例如NPC伤害/装备伤害加成,保证击杀敌人的时间保持平衡)

  All changes are retroactive.(改动对现有的装备一样有效)

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  • 游戏类别:射击游戏
  • 游戏平台:/PC/PS4/XboxOne/
  • 开发商:Ubisoft Massive
  • 发行商:UbiSoft
  • 发行时间:2016年3月8日
游戏介绍:《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division,又译作 分裂集团)》是一款射击类游戏,本作根据著名军事小说家汤姆克兰西的同名小说改编,讲述美国遭遇一场超规模的生化瘟疫侵袭,瘫痪了社会,全面瓦解了医疗、物流、能源等职能部门,整个国家陷入人人自危的状态。

玩家所扮演的精英执法人员,来自特别行动部"The Division",专门负责疏导难民,打击犯罪,在稳定危局恢复秩序的同时还步步进逼幕后真相,执法组不依赖外部条件独立运作,其持续作战能力完全仰仗就地补给。


